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E-Forest videos
Discovering Psychic Abilities with Emer Brooks | Kaleidoscope of Inspiration | Radio Cenzura
Radio Cenzura

Discovering Psychic Abilities with Emer Brooks | Kaleidoscope of Inspiration | Radio Cenzura

Join us for a fascinating conversation on the "Kaleidoscope of Inspiration" podcast with Sylwia Bartosz and Emer Brooks! 🌠✨ Emer Brooks, a talented medium and empath, shares her journey in discovering and embracing her "shine," the familial sixth sense. Sylwia Bartosz, a tarot enthusiast, dives into their shared experiences and insights on tarot, psychic abilities, and psychology. 🃏🔮 Don't miss this inspiring and enlightening discussion that bridges the mystical with the psychological. After the broadcast, the podcast will be available on our YouTube channel! 🎧📺 Highlights: Emer Brooks's journey in embracing her psychic abilities Insights into tarot and its psychological connections The interplay between mystical experiences and psychological understanding 🔔 Subscribe to our channel for more inspiring discussions and insightful content: ✨ Stay Connected: Follow Emer Brooks on Instagram: @thewicklowwitch Follow Sylwia Bartosz on Instagram: @sylwia.enchantedforest Visit website for: , Related Videos: Don't forget to like, comment, and share this video! Your support helps us bring more valuable content to you. #EmerBrooks #SylwiaBartosz #KaleidoscopeOfInspiration #RadioCenzura #PsychicAbilities #Tarot #Mystical #PsychologyTitle: Discovering Psychic Abilities with Emer Brooks | Kaleidoscope of Inspiration | Radio Cenzura
Harmony with Nature: Interview with Jacquie Burgess | Kaleidoscope of Inspiration | Radio Cenzura
Radio Cenzura

Harmony with Nature: Interview with Jacquie Burgess | Kaleidoscope of Inspiration | Radio Cenzura

In "Kaleidoscope of Inspiration" for Radio Cenzura, Sylwia Bartosz talks with Jacquie Burgess - a herbalist, beekeeper, author, and psychotherapist. In this inspiring conversation, we explore themes of harmony with nature, herbalism, and self-connection. Discover the magic of plants and the wisdom that flows from Mother Earth. Episode Highlights: The importance of harmony with nature in everyday life Herbalism as a path to health and self-discovery The magic of plants and their therapeutic properties Wisdom from Mother Earth and its impact on our lives 🔔 Subscribe to our channel In this video, we cover: Jacquie Burgess’s journey as a herbalist and beekeeper The significance of plants in our lives and their healing properties How to connect with nature and oneself Tips and advice on herbalism and plant therapy ✨ Stay Connected: Visit Jacquie Burgess’s website: Follow Jacquie Burgess on Instagram: Sylwia Bartosz Related Videos: Don't forget to like, comment, and share this video! Your support helps us bring more valuable content to you. #JacquieBurgess #SylwiaBartosz #KaleidoscopeOfInspiration #RadioCenzura #Herbalism #Beekeeping #PlantMagic #HarmonyWithNature #MotherEarth -- W "Kalejdoskopie Inspiracji" dla Radia Cenzura, Sylwia Bartosz rozmawia z Jacquie Burgess - zielarką, pszczelarką, autorką i psychoterapeutką. W tej inspirującej rozmowie poruszamy tematy harmonii z naturą, zielarstwa i połączenia z samym sobą. Odkryjemy magię roślin i mądrości płynące od Matki Ziemi. Zapraszamy do wysłuchania w środę o godzinie 18:00 na antenie Radia Cenzura. Główne punkty odcinka: Harmonia z naturą i jej znaczenie w codziennym życiu Zielarstwo jako sposób na zdrowie i samopoznanie Magia roślin i ich terapeutyczne właściwości Mądrości płynące z Matki Ziemi i ich wpływ na nasze życie
Exploring Spirituality and Dance with Nikki Solyom | A Kaleidoscope of Inspiration | Radio Cenzura
Radio Cenzura

Exploring Spirituality and Dance with Nikki Solyom | A Kaleidoscope of Inspiration | Radio Cenzura

Description: In a captivating episode of "A Kaleidoscope of Inspiration" for Radio Cenzura, Sylwia Bartosz sits down with the enchanting Nikki Solyom. Nikki, a prominent figure in Dublin's spiritual community, is a certified Twerk Fit instructor and a Kundalini yoga teacher. Her unique approach combines the ancient art of dance with profound knowledge of yoga, creating a holistic practice that bridges the physical and the spiritual. 🌟 Episode Highlights: Discover the balance of yin and yang through dance and yoga Explore the dynamics between feminine and masculine energies Gain deep insights into spiritual practices from Nikki Solyom Learn how to integrate dance and yoga for harmony and enlightenment 🔔 Subscribe to our channel for more inspiring interviews, spiritual insights, and holistic practices: In this video, we cover: Nikki Solyom’s journey in the spiritual community of Dublin The transformative power of combining Twerk Fit and Kundalini yoga Practical advice on balancing feminine and masculine energies ✨ Stay Connected: Visit Nikki Solyom’s website: Follow Nikki Solyom on Instagram: Sylwia Bartosz instagram: Sylwia Bartosz : Related Videos: Don't forget to like, comment, and share this video! Your support helps us bring more valuable content to you. #NikkiSolyom #SylwiaBartosz #SpiritualButBadass #KaleidoscopeOfInspiration #TwerkFit #KundaliniYoga #Spirituality #DanceAndYoga #YinYangBalance #RadioCenzura #EnchantedForesy #TREDublin
Reflecting on Dublin's Art Scene with Sylwia Bartosz and Dino Notaro | Kaleidoscope of Inspiration
Radio Cenzura

Reflecting on Dublin's Art Scene with Sylwia Bartosz and Dino Notaro | Kaleidoscope of Inspiration

In this episode of "Kaleidoscope of Inspiration," Sylwia Bartosz and Dino Notaro reflect on their experiences at the Inspire Gallery in Dublin, showcasing the vibrant and dynamic nature of the city's art scene. They discuss Ireland's artistic evolution, from its past to its present, and how art shapes lives and fuels creativity. Dino also shares insights into his current work as a freelance art curator, offering a unique perspective on the contemporary art landscape. Through their conversation, they highlight the transformative power of art in both personal and communal contexts. W tym odcinku "Kalejdoskopu Inspiracji" Sylwia Bartosz i Dino Notaro wspominają swoje doświadczenia w galerii Inspire w Dublinie, prezentując dynamiczną i pełną życia scenerię artystyczną miasta. Omawiają ewolucję sztuki w Irlandii, od przeszłości do teraźniejszości, oraz to, w jaki sposób sztuka kształtuje życie i pobudza kreatywność. Dino dzieli się również spostrzeżeniami dotyczącymi swojej obecnej pracy jako niezależny kurator sztuki, oferując unikalną perspektywę na współczesny krajobraz artystyczny. Poprzez swoją rozmowę podkreślają przeobrażającą moc sztuki zarówno w kontekście osobistym, jak i społecznym. Description: In this episode of “Kaleidoscope of Inspiration,” join Sylwia Bartosz and Dino Notaro as they share their reflections on the vibrant and dynamic art scene at the Inspire Gallery in Dublin. Delve into the rich history and evolution of Ireland’s artistic landscape and discover how art shapes lives and fuels creativity. 🌟 Episode Highlights: Explore the evolution of Ireland’s art scene from its past to its present Understand the impact of art on personal and communal growth Gain insights into Dino Notaro’s work as a freelance art curator Learn about contemporary art trends and their significance in today's world 🔔 Subscribe to our channel for more inspiring discussions, art insights, and creative explorations: Listen to the Radio Cenzura : In this video, we cover: The transformative power of art in personal and community contexts The dynamic nature of Dublin’s art scene and its cultural significance Dino Notaro’s journey and current projects as an art curator How art influences and enhances our everyday lives ✨ Stay Connected: Follow Sylwia Bartosz on Instagram: Follow Dino Notaro on Instagram: Visit our website for more updates about family constellations : Related Videos: Don't forget to like, comment, and share this video! Your support helps us bring more valuable content to you. #SylwiaBartosz #DinoNotaro #DublinArtScene #InspireGallery #ArtisticEvolution #ContemporaryArt #KaleidoscopeOfInspiration
Unveiling the Power of Boundaries: Interview with Therapist Justyna Hajduk | Radio Cenzura
Radio Cenzura

Unveiling the Power of Boundaries: Interview with Therapist Justyna Hajduk | Radio Cenzura

Today's meeting is with therapist Justyna Hajduk, who will take us on a fascinating journey through the world of healthy boundaries. But that's not all! We won't just scratch the surface - we'll delve deeply into the world of the inner child and the crucial role of healthy anger in our lives. In this unique interpretation, we offer practical solutions and invaluable insights that you won't find anywhere else. Discover the power of boundaries for self-care and learn how to effectively communicate them. Explore the depths of your inner child and uncover the transformative potential of embracing healthy anger. Whether you're seeking clarity, guidance, or simply a new perspective, this interview promises to deliver. Join in the enlightening discussion that will leave you feeling motivated and equipped to tackle life's challenges with confidence. Dziś spotkanie z terapeutkią Justyną Hajduk która zabierze nas w fascynującą podróży przez świat zdrowych granic. Ale to nie wszystko! Nie pozostaniemy tylko na powierzchni - zagłębimy się głęboko w świat wewnętrznego dziecka i kluczowej roli zdrowego gniewu w naszym życiu. W tej unikalnej interpretacji oferujemy praktyczne rozwiązania i nieocenione spojrzenie, których nie znajdziesz nigdzie indziej. Odkryj moc granic dla dbania o siebie i naucz się je skutecznie komunikować. Odkryj głębiny swojego wewnętrznego dziecka i odkryj potencjał transformacyjny przyjmowania zdrowego gniewu. Niezależnie od tego, czy szukasz jasności, przewodnictwa, czy po prostu nowej perspektywy, ten wywiad obiecuje dostarczyć. Włącz się w oświecającą dyskusję, która sprawi, że poczujesz się zmotywowany i wyposażony do radzenia sobie z wyzwaniami życia z pewnością siebie. Description: Join us for a profound and enlightening conversation with therapist Justyna Hajduk as we embark on a journey through the world of healthy boundaries. In this video, we dive deep into essential topics like the inner child and the transformative power of healthy anger. 🌟 Discover Practical Solutions and Insights: Understand the importance of setting healthy boundaries for self-care Learn effective communication strategies for establishing boundaries Explore the concept of the inner child and its impact on your life Embrace healthy anger as a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation 🔔 Subscribe to our channel for more insightful interviews, therapeutic discussions, and personal development tips: Visit In this video, we cover: The significance of healthy boundaries in daily life Techniques for nurturing and understanding your inner child The role of healthy anger in emotional well-being Practical advice and tools for better self-care and communication ✨ Stay Connected: Follow Justyna Hajduk on Instagram: Visit Justyna's website: Sylvia Bartosz family constellations practitioner and TRE provider (host) Related Videos: Don't forget to like, comment, and share this video! Your support helps us bring more valuable content to you. #JustynaHajduk #HealthyBoundaries #InnerChild #HealthyAnger #SelfCare #RadioCenzura
Inspiring Talk with Cida Arcanjo: Belly Dance, Femininity, and Well-being | Radio Cenzura
Radio Cenzura

Inspiring Talk with Cida Arcanjo: Belly Dance, Femininity, and Well-being | Radio Cenzura

We invite you to join a conversation with Cida Arcanjo, a professional belly dancer and teacher. Join us for our inspiring conversation, which not only revolves around dance but also femininity, love for the body, and well-being. 📻✨ Zapraszamy do rozmowy z Cidą Arcanjo, profesjonalną tancerką brzucha i nauczycielką. Dołączcie do naszej inspirującej rozmowy, która nie tylko dotyczy tańca, ale także kobiecości, miłości do ciała i dobrego samopoczucia. 📻✨ Description: Join us for an inspiring conversation with Cida Arcanjo, a renowned professional belly dancer and teacher. In this video, we delve deep into the art of belly dance and explore themes of femininity, body positivity, and overall well-being. 🌟 Event Highlight: Radio Cenzura was proud to be the media patron of the enchanting event “Night in the Harem,” happening at Smoke Alley Theater on May 11th. 🔔 Subscribe to our channel for more inspiring interviews, and wellness tips: In this video, we cover: The journey of Cida Arcanjo in belly dance Insights into the cultural significance of belly dancing Tips on embracing femininity and loving your body The role of dance in promoting mental and physical well-being ✨ Stay Connected: Follow Cida Arcanjo on Instagram: Belly Dance School Anoyt the host Sylvia - Family Constellation Facilitator and TRE provider Instagram: @sylwia.enchantedforest Related Videos: Don't forget to like, comment, and share this video! Your support helps us bring more amazing content to you. #CidaArcanjo #BellyDance #Femininity #BodyPositivity #WellBeing #NightInTheHarem #RadioCenzura #GotTalent
Healing of Ancestral Wounds -  Family Constellation (Bert Hellinger) Therapist Beata Kisińska
Enchanted Forest

Healing of Ancestral Wounds - Family Constellation (Bert Hellinger) Therapist Beata Kisińska

Enchanted Forest invite to the corporation Family Constellation Therapist Beata Kisinska - Ptaszek. Beata has over 10 years of experience in practicing this method. Benefits of Family constellations - resolving the family issues, healing relationships with the family members - Improving your relationships and love life - Healing financial situation. - Help with Depression and anxiety issues - Trauma healing, releasing - Family trauma, past trauma therapy Information about workshops with Beata, One to one sessions online, and an in-person link below : #familyconestellations #enchantedforest #ancestery #orderoflove #familyconstellationsireland About Bert Hellinger Family constellation: "Everyone who belongs to our family has an equal right to belong. As soon as a member of the family is denied or denied this membership, a disorder arises with far-reaching consequences. Examples: The most obvious example is when a member of the family is killed. The most common way of doing this is through abortion. Whatever the justifications are given for it, in the soul of the perpetrator, here especially in the soul of the mother, it has far-reaching consequences. It also has far-reaching consequences on the souls of other family members. Another form of exclusion is when a child is given away and put up for adoption. Or when a child is hidden from another relationship and thus excluded. This also applies to concealed aborted children. When a family member is excluded because one is ashamed of them. For example, a severely disabled child, or a member who takes on a different faith or is guilty of something wrong. The Original Hellinger ® family constellations show that forgotten children who are not mentioned also belong to it. For example a stillborn child. But also a child who died prematurely, i.e. a miscarriage and a child who died in the womb."
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