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Generational Healing Circles: Family Constellations Workshop


Date: May 26th, 11 am - 5 pm
Location: Sandymount Community Centre, D04CP80
Investment: €85 and €60


What are Hellinger's Family Constellations?

Family Constellations, also known as Hellinger's constellations or systemic constellations, are a method of transforming significant issues, connected not to us about the one who has been there before us. Offen family stories tend to repeat themself, the method is healing ancestral memory of our psyche. They allow us to recognize the root of a problem at a deep level, understand the dynamics of a particular matter, and take a significant step towards optimal change.

Benefits of Family Constellations:

Gain deeper insights into hidden dynamics and root causes of personal and systemic issues

Heal unresolved family traumas and generational patterns

Improve relationships and find resolution in challenging family dynamics

Release emotional blockages and stuck patterns

Experience increased self-awareness and personal growth

Restore harmony in body, mind, and soul

Enhance empathy and understanding towards others

Gain clarity and direction in life choices and decisions

Experience emotional catharsis and healing

Transform limiting beliefs and behavioral patterns

Cultivate a sense of belonging and connection with family and ancestors

Enhance communication and conflict resolution skills

Improve overall well-being and emotional resilience.


In Family Constellations, clients bring forth important and meaningful matters in their lives, seeking resolution and change. These issues may include challenging relationships with partners, struggles with parenthood, unresolved family traumas, health concerns, or professional obstacles.

The process begins without the need for extensive storytelling. Clients briefly outline their difficulties, and a representative image of the situation is created. Participants intuitively place themselves and their significant figures in the room, accessing a deeper level of awareness and connection with the topic at hand.

The constellation unfolds on multiple levels, including the present moment, the past, and potential future possibilities. Through this dynamic process, emotions, attitudes, and underlying influences are revealed. Family Constellations provide a fresh perspective, often presenting a more complex reality than initially perceived.

Each Family Constellation is a unique and surprising journey, guided by the client's specific energy field. As the facilitator holds the space, healing dynamics emerge, paving the way for profound insights and transformation. The process does not rely solely on conscious awareness but taps into the unconscious realm, where significant shifts take root.

Client Position (Subject):
As a client in the family constellations workshop, you are the focal point of the session. Your role involves delving into personal issues, unresolved traumas, and family dynamics that you seek to address and heal. The constellation revolves around your specific concerns, offering deep and personalized insights tailored to your journey. The client position entails a profound and often cathartic experience, leading to personal transformation and lasting healing. Due to the personalized nature of this role and the depth of the healing process, the price for client participation is €85. TO BOOK YOURSEF AS A CLIENT ONLY VIA THE ENCHANTED FOREST WEBSITE 

Representative Position:
Representative participation offers a unique opportunity to engage with the family constellations method in a different capacity. As a representative, you step into the shoes of various family members or aspects of the issue being explored by other participants. While representing, you may experience a resonance with the emotions and dynamics of the roles you inhabit, providing valuable insights into your own subconscious patterns and unresolved issues. Participating as a representative is lighter in intensity compared to the client role but is still profoundly beneficial as it allows you to work with your own issues indirectly. It serves as a great way to start your journey with the method and gain familiarity with its principles. The price for representative participation is €60, reflecting the supportive and educational nature of this role.


Invest in Yourself:

Invest in your well-being, personal growth, and financial success by joining us for this transformative workshop. Discover the power of family constellations to heal, transform, and create a brighter future for yourself and your loved ones.

Space is limited, so reserve your spot today and take the first step toward generational healing, personal empowerment, and financial abundance.

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